Friday, March 5, 2010

A Night Out

I usually dont go out on the weekends.  I am just too tired.  But after the week I have had, I decided what the heck!  Five and a highchair invited me to go with her and her daughter and friend to see Alice in wonderland.  We had dinner at the Mellow Mushroom in Wake Forest first.  I have never eaten there before and it was yummy!!!!  The movie was awesome!  It was in 3d.  Since we were a little late arriving, we had to sit close to the front which was interesting with the 3D glasses.  I remember when 3D glasses were made of paper.  These were actual glasses made of plastic.  We looked absolutely ridiculous but it made the movie so cool!  Johnny Depp was great as usual.  I often check the six cherries blog.  She is quite creative!  They went to see Alice in Wonderland too.  They had a mad hatter style dinner before going.  How cool is that?  Anyway we had fun.  I think the last time I saw a movie was finding nemo!  Pathetic huh?????


  1. We had a GREAT time too! Hannah was so... glad you came. :)

  2. Hey girl! This is so cool. I have just found out about this blogging stuff and I think it's really neat. And kinda funny how you have just started one. So needless to say we'll be keeping up with your blog. This is awesome!

  3. Oops! forgot our name,
    Billy, Jess, Taylor,& Caleb
